Tag: Humor

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  • There were probably state and federal laws broken for taking video in the bathroom, but I’m thankful it happened: HT: Kevin DeYoung


  • What happened in the Coliseum to Christians was not funny. But the things we say to people when communicating the gospel can be humorous (and extremely misleading!). Let’s think about what we say before calling people to “come and die” for the cause of Christ. 


  • Happy Mother’s Day, fellow bloggers and readers. I hope today was as good for you as it was for my wife and me. What better way to finish the weekend than by subscribing to the blog?  If you already subscribe, perhaps you can invite your mom–or someone else–to do the same?  After all, it’s free. What are…


  • Sorry I’ve been silent for a while.  In honor of the World Cup that starts June 11, I thought this would be a fitting video — or maybe not so fitting? HT: Abraham Piper


  • Make sure you wish the head honcho a Happy Boss’s Day today.  I bet you didn’t know there was such a thing. And now I bet you wish you didn’t know.


  • If you don’t already, why not subscribe to Beneath the Cross today? You can do this via email or RSS. Thank you!


  • Well, it took some time, but Telkom finally delivered ADSL to my apartment (they call it a “flat” here in SA). All it took was two and a half hours of waiting, three trips to the Telkom store after the technician left my place, a bowl of cereal with curdled milk, and spilt beer on…


  • Here are some C.S. Lewis gems that I thought you’d like to delight in: Eros will have naked bodies; Friendship naked personalities. Let’s pray that the human race never escapes from Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere. You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body. Thirty was so strange for…


  • My brother graudated from high school last Sunday.  It was such a glorious day…and the ceremony was nice, too.


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